Class Notes


It is important because an IT personnel should explain how to solve problem in a language which person who has problem can understand.

                                       GENERAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS

  1- Consideration of Audience

  • One to one
  • One to audience
  • Over the phone

   2- Adapting Content and Style to Audience

  • Varying your voice
  • Terminology
  • Format
   3- Providing Accurate Information

  • You are responsible of sharing facts, not your ideas 

   4- Engaging Audience Interest

  • Using technology effectively

   5- Ensuring The Message Gets Across

  • Are they nodding or looked confused, bored?
  • Stop and ask questions to check if they understand
                                              Interpersonal Communication Skills 

  • Verbal 
  • Signing and lip reading 
  • Body language
  • Writing
  • Chatting (Instant messaging) by positive language
      Positive Language is supportive and encourgaging language.
      Negative Language is humilating language.
                                                      Communicate in Writing

  • Following guidelines and procedures
  • Your document is clear and gets message across
  • The spelling and grammar are correct (by using proofing tools)
  • Review and proofread
  • Note taking
  • Age
  • IT Knowledge
  • Culture of Country
  • Disability (specialist software such as narrator, mouse poiter)
  • Documents
  • Presentations
  • Webpages 
  • Emails
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Podcast
  • Video conferencing
  • Digital personal records can easily be transferred, stolen and misused. Needs to be careful while working with technology. 
  • Pictures that  are uploaded to internet, not just friend or family. It may go beyond  your privacy boundries.   
  • Respect towards to other. Negative and offensive comments can be seen by a much wider audience
                                                                    Securing Data
  • Encryption
  • Firewalls 
  • Backups
  • Secure sites

                                                                 IMPACT OF IT

  • Social Impacts: We spend our free time by social media and internet rather than watching TV.  It negatively effects local stores community because of online store.
  • Economic Impacts: It changed employement structures and working practices.Disposal of unwanted electronıc equipment threatens environment negatively.
  • Legal Impacts: Ownership, copyright, plagiarism
  • Ethical Impacts: Privacy of Information
                                                                  ABUSE OF IT
  • Treats
  • Sparm
  • Phishing


                                                                                                  Yiğit Egecan Küpeli




RESUBMISSION M1 - Justify why specialist communication channel is effective for a given purpose

Creating blog is easier than make a website. It is easier because its easy to make and update and not necessary taking domain name. People c...